My Platform

Public Education

Right now North Carolina ranks is #1 in business in the United States, has the 8th strongest economy, is #38 in overall teacher pay and #49 in what our state government spends on public education. I’m not a math teacher but even basic math learners know this math isn’t adding up at all. The line in the sand has been made to purposefully destroy public schools for privatized schools.

By 2032 more than 500 million (unregulated tax payer dollars) will be committed to private school voucher programs annually. I agree with a parent’s right to choose what kind of school they would like their children to attend but I am fully against using taxpayer dollars to fund wealthy families to attend these schools for free, when Alamance County students are facing unnecessary hardships due to district cuts, building infrastructures in dire need of repairs, breathing moldy air and county commissioners that refuse to help bridge the gap in funding or even work with the school board but would rather play the blame game. Alamance County needs someone in Raleigh who will make an investment into our next generation of leaders a priority. Regardless of your politics, all of us want our children to learn and be successful and we have a constitutional obligation to do so.

As a current public school teacher LeVon will be able to bring the voices of teachers, students and their families throughout the state to Raleigh and advocate for what schools really need. LeVon will vote to fully fund public schools which includes voting to fund the Leandro decision, fight to raise teacher pay ($60,000 starting salary) so your child doesn’t lose their favorite teacher and to be able to recruit the best and the brightest in the profession, and expand early childhood education for pre-k. 

Women’s Equality

As of today abortion in North Carolina is legal but if we don’t break the supermajority in Raleigh we will go from a 12 week ban to making it illegal. LeVon believes that the government should stay out of anyone’s doctor’s office, especially when it comes to the deeply difficult decision to have an abortion and would also include families using in vitro fertilization to get pregnant. Politicians do not make good doctors and the only decisions that should be made in Raleigh is to ensure more health care access and to make sure providers who support and care for families that have to make these decisions are safe and follow the latest guidelines. LeVon believes that this private decision should be between a woman, her faith, her family and her doctor. 

As a “girl dad,” LeVon will fight as hard as he can to give women all autonomy over their bodies. There is no reason why my daughter should have less rights than her mother and grandmothers. LeVon will vote against every Republican bill that restricts access to abortions and birth control. LeVon will sponsor or co-sponsor bills that will strengthen maternal health including increasing the number of paid months for maternity and paternity leave and creating better access for women battling postpartum depression.

Government Accountability

Alamance County deserves a present, focused, and consistent government that transcends party lines. LeVon is a leader who listens to both sides of an issue before making a decision. He understands that there is more that unites us than divides us in the country. LeVon believes North Carolina can thrive when we engage in civil discourse, free from the extremism we see today.

LeVon knows we can’t afford another two years of absentee leadership that lacks accountability and makes harmful decisions. In this election, crucial issues such as public schools, Women’s rights, gerrymandering, family-run farms, and climate change are on the ballet.